Datomic Peer Server, persisted

Minimal project setup to persist data to disk with Molecule and a Datomic Peer Server database (protocol: dev).

import sbt.Keys._

lazy val `molecule-basic` = project.in(file("."))
    name := "molecule-datomic-peerserver-dev",
    scalaVersion := "2.13.8",
    resolvers ++= Seq(
      "clojars" at "https://clojars.org/repo",
      "my.datomic.com" at "https://my.datomic.com/repo"
      Downloading Datomic Starter/Pro requires authentication of your license:
      Create a ~/.sbt/.credentials file with the following content:

        realm=Datomic Maven Repo

      Then let sbt provide your secret credentials:
    credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".sbt" / ".credentials"),

    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "org.scalamolecule" %% "molecule" % "1.1.0",
      "com.datomic" % "datomic-pro" % "1.0.6344"

    // Important to exclude fee version when using pro to avoid clashes with pro version
    excludeDependencies += ExclusionRule("com.datomic", "datomic-free"),

    // path to domain model directory
    moleculeDataModelPaths := Seq("app"),

    // Generate Molecule boilerplate code with `sbt clean compile -Dmolecule=true`
    moleculePluginActive := sys.props.get("molecule") == Some("true"),

    // Let IDE detect created jars in unmanaged lib directory
    exportJars := true

1. Start transactor

First, you need to start a Datomic transactor in its own process:

cd <your-datomic-starter/pro-distribution>
bin/transactor config/samples/dev-transactor-template.properties

Note that although the Peer in your application code in this project setup is the pro version of Peer, the transactor can be of any type - a free or a starter/pro. As long as your application code can reach it via a matching host:port it will work. A datomic database is in other words interchangeable between free/pro.

2. Create database

Peer Servers do not own databases. As such, the Peer Server cannot create or destroy a database.

You can instead manage databases with the Peer library by for instance running the code in CreateSampleDb or by using the Datomic shell (in a separate process from the transactor):

datomic % Peer.createDatabase("datomic:dev://localhost:4334/sampleDb");

Exit the datomic shell with ctrl-c or similar.

3. Start Peer Server

bin/run -m datomic.peer-server -h localhost -p 8998 -a k,s -d sampleDb,datomic:dev://localhost:4334/sampleDb

In this setup we use a database connection URI with the “dev” protocol which is intended for development databases that are persisted on local disk. See other storage options for alternative storage options.

The other connection options explained:

-m datomic.peer-server                             // the peer-server command
-h localhost                                       // host name
-p 8998                                            // port number
-a k,s                                             // access-key,secret
-d sampleDb,datomic:dev://localhost:4334/sampleDb  // dbName-alias,URI

There can be no space after comma in the pairs of options!

For simplicity, we just chose to write “k,s” for access-key,secret. The important thing is that you need to supply the same pair when you connect to the Peer Server in your code (as with host/port names).

If successful, it will show something like “Serving datomic:mem://sampleDb as sampleDb”.

4. Connect to Peer Server

Presuming the transactor is running and the Peer Server is serving sampleDb we can connect to it:

implicit val conn = 
  Datomic_PeerServer("k", "s", "localhost:8998")

We use the same coordinates here as when we started the Peer Server.

For the purpose of testing, we want to make sure that our schema is up-to-date and therefore transact it on every run:

implicit val conn = 
  Datomic_PeerServer("k", "s", "localhost:8998")
    .transactSchema(SampleSchema, "sampleDb")

5. Make molecules

From here on, we can start transacting and querying sampleDb with molecules:

// Transact

// Query
Person.name.age.get.map(_.head ==> ("John", 24))

Add/change definitions in the SampleDataModel and run sbt clean compile -Dmolecule=true in your project root to have Molecule re-generate boilerplate code. Then you can try out using your new attributes in new molecules in App.