
The Molecule project started in 2013 as a small library to access the Datomic database from Scala in an intuitive way by letting macros transform Scala “molecules” to Datomic query strings.

Molecule is created by Marc Grue, a Danish double bass player in the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, the National Orchestra of Sweden. Marc is a passionate long-time Scala programmer (since version 2.7).

Molecule has since mature substantially to for instance have a unified API against all three Datomic systems: Peer, Peer Server and Cloud.

The Changelog shows the dedication to perfect the Molecule library.


Watch an early presentation of Molecule v0.11 (unfortunately with bad sound) from a MeetUp in Gothenburg 2017.

About Marc:

Further development

More developers are welcome to join the Molecule project with Pull requests and questions/discussions on gitter in the Molecule forum.


Molecule is licensed under the Apache License 2.0